Trains and Boats and Planes

Indie rock band consisting of:

Nikolaj Nørlund (vocal, guitar and composition)
Jens Ole Lemke (guitar)
Søren Kruse (bass)
Nikolaj Stig Nielsen (drums)
Soma Allpass (cello)







Trains and Boats and Planes released three albums:

Hum (minialbum) (1991)

Engulfed (1992)

Minimal Star (1993)


The alternative pop/rock CD with Soma Allpass "Sway" with songs by Soma Allpass and Maurice Hawkesworth. The album is mixed and mastered in Florida USA, by Kramer. He also recorded some guitars, backing vocals and much more. The CD is released the 1st of Feb 2007 on Sumsum Records.
The first single "Spring" has been in rotation on Danish National Radio P4 and netradio, since May 2005.

The band:
Soma Allpass: Cello and vocal
Mads Kjølby: Guitars
Jan Stokholte: Keyboards
Karen Gramkow: Double bass
Jesper Uno Kofoed: Drums
Per Buhl Acs, livesound.
Listen to some songs from the album - Go to

Lucky Angel

The debut pop CD with songs of Maurice Hawkesworth and Soma Allpass came out in September 2001 on iwave records. Buy it in danish music shops or on the Internet at I wave records or and listen to soft, easy, indie angel pop. With the amazing guitar player Henrik Liebgott and Sort Sol drummer Tomas Ortved. Soma Allpass, voc., piano, cello.

A remix of "Lucky Angel" was played 5 month at Danish Radio P3. The song "Mother Ice" was 8 weeks at "Det Elektriske Barometer", Danish Radio.

Live Musicians 2002:

Henrik Liebgott: guitar
Mads Tunebjerg: bass
Johan Gellet: drums
Jonas Berg: Keyboard
Soma Allpass: guitar and vocal

Sound engineer: Troels Bech

Foto: Maurice Hawkesworth

Allpass Requiem

"Allpass Requiem" was composed for a eurytmi performance for soprano singer Christine Skou.
With the original catholic text from 1400 century, the music is sounding both as from the middle age and modern time.

Music for modern dance

"Sticks and fur" are two pieces by dancer and choreographer Anders Christiansen.
It is music for solo electronic cello. The cello is not meant to sound like a cello!

Performed in Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus and Bilbao.

For more information:

House of the Double Axe

Hotel Pro Forma 1998

House of the Double Axe is a pop musical journey of images through a tetragonal mental landscape.

Music by Dicte
